The long-awaited next post...

This picture is of the group of volunteers in my training village this past summer. Left to right, they are: Steve, Karen, Phil, his wife Hilary, Miles, Uy Ta, myself, and Katie. We are all in our sites now of course, but interestingly enough, we are one of only two training villages in which all the volunteers are still in country.
Pre-Service training was intense, it was from about June 8th until August 15th, with 4 hours of language instruction 4 days a week, as well as two days of culture and program training a week.
I know, I know, it's March 2006...I apologize for not posting before, but the internet connection in Berd where I'm assigned to an NGO is very poor at its best. I've been somewhat concerned with the Peace Corps policy on posting information on the internet as well, but I've gotten over that lately. So, what I'm going to try and do is go chronologically from training until now until I can simply point my friends and family to this blog to keep everyone updated on what's going on here in Armenia.